The Business of Music Data Visualization. The deluxe edition of who listens to what and where featuring economic impacts. Side A and B.
Research Questions: Which genre is the most popular per region in the United States? How much value does music bring per region in the United States? How much do the people in each region listen to music?
Using data sets and publicly available sources, I found answers to my research questions. I designed 4 distinct visualizations: 1) Music genre by popularity in the US, by region 2) Rate of listening to music as a primary activity in the US by region 3) Total Arts & Cultural value added per region in 2020 and 3) Total Arts & Cultural employment added per region in 2020.
The poster concept is an album, with a front and back and side A and B. I designed a bar graph, a map, and circle chart. The final poster project was submitted as part of the Data Visualization class at American University, Spring of 2022.
Research: Statista 2013, National Endowment for the Arts 2020, and Musical Preferences in the US 2002.